TranSystems was retained by MassDOT to prepare final design for modifications to Belmont Circle. This area which is a confluence of state Routes 6 and 28, Main Street, Maple Street, Head of the Bay Road, Buzzards Bay Bypass, and Scenic Highway is a gateway to Cape Cod. The current configuration of Belmont Circle largely favors vehicular traffic with no provisions for pedestrians or bicyclists. The intent of this project is to introduce pedestrian and bicycle facilities, thus creating a gateway for all users.
The project includes addition of sidewalks and a multi-use path along the outer perimeter of the Circle. To maintain safe pedestrian access, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are introduced at a number of locations. Other project elements include roadway geometric modifications, relocation of overhead utilities, drainage provisions including addition of leaching basins, several retaining walls, environmental permitting, and preparation of right of way and layout alteration plans.